Jaw popping refers to a sound in the jaw that causes sensations of discomfort. It can happen for a variety of causes, including when the mouth is opened too widely or when the temporomandibular joints are not functioning properly. One of our body's many intricate joints, this one serves as a link between the temporal and lower jaw bones.
The temporomandibular joint is helpful for mobility, such as while speaking, yawning, or chewing food.
Consequently, the temporomandibular disorder is a condition that causes jaw clicking (TMD).
Getting early treatment at the dental clinic in Alipore would be the best way to avoid further complications.
Here are some of the reasons why you might be having these issues:
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Teeth Malocclusion
Sleep Apnea
Broken or Dislocated Jaw
Visit one of the top dentists near Alipore, if you have any of these medical conditions.
Medical Care for Popping Jaw
To prevent the jaw from popping, a dental repair can be done to correct problems including overbites and underbites.
Patients who have myofascial pain syndrome receive injections. Jaw discomfort is immediately relieved by it.
Heat can be administered to the jaw to relieve discomfort and enhance jaw mobility.
The jaw, neck, and mouth are treated with radio waves or lasers. This treatment lessens the discomfort while promoting mobility.
You can use a night guard or splint to control your teeth-clenching.
Additionally, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation helps lessen jaw pain (TENS).
Dentists of our dental clinic near Alipore may advise choosing surgery as a last resort if none of these therapies is effective in treating the jaw popping. Open joint surgery, arthrocentesis, and arthroscopy are procedures that can treat jaw popping.
TMJ more frequently affects women; however, it's not understood why. TMJ is more common in younger people and women between the ages of 30 and 50, according to studies. TMJ and jaw cracking can, however, affect people of any age and sex.
Most of the time, the condition is transient. A change in lifestyle and at-home remedies can help with TMJ.
Observe your other symptoms if your jaw is breaking. This might assist you in figuring out where the sound might be coming from. If you have ongoing discomfort, have trouble breathing or eating, or if the jaw cracking grows worse, make sure to see a doctor.